Fresh products for ayurvedic cooking

Fresh products for ayurvedic cooking

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vata / Pitta Dosha Diet

Your constitution is predominantly air and fire. An excess of air element creates cold, light, and dryness in the body, and colon , skin, and bones. When balanced, you are energetic, adaptable, and cheerful. An excess of air causes dry skin, gas, and constipation. Fire excess causes heat in the form of hot temper, impatience, rashes, infections , ulcers, etc.

When balanced , fire helps one be more goal-oriented, express leadership qualities, warmth, and gives physical strength. The aim of Ayurveda is to create a balance between elements of air, water, fire, and earth. To bring air and fire into balance one needs to:

  • Consume more cooked, moist and somewhat heavier foods.
  • Eat herbs to help digest the more grounding foods.
  • Avoid hot foods (e.g. onion, garlic, red peppers), fermented or fried foods, salt.
  • Eat smaller meals, no more than 3-4 hours apart.
  • Avoid nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, chilies) as they may cause allergic reactions.
  • Don't combine milk with yeasted grains.
  • Don't combine fruit with other foods.
  • Eat meals in a serene, thankful state of mind.



Cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, mints, coriander.


Most fruit is purifying, although it is not grounding. Soak dry fruit, and bake apples and pears. Sweet fruits of berries, cherries, coconut, fresh figs, grapes, kiwi, mangos, sweet melons, sweet oranges, peaches, rhubarb, pineapples and plums are balancing. Avocado (small amounts), watermelon (chew and eat several of the seeds).


also are too light for air constitution to live on. If vegetables are steamed and prepared with oils - and spiced, eating them with whole grains is acceptable. Most forms of squash (acorn, butternut, scaloppini, summer, winter and yellow creek neck) artichoke, asparagus, fresh corn, cucumber, green beans, okra, sweet potatoes, rutubaga, and zucchini are excellent for balance. (The cabbage family causes gas, i.e. broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts; root vegetables like beets and carrots may cause too much heat).


Cooked whole grains are best. Bread is acceptable if toasted , but yeast (contained in bread) is not a recommended product because it is difficult to digest. White basmati rice, wheat, oats, amaranth, wild rice khus khus are good. Dry grains like granola, chips aggravate the air element. Barley is good for reducing fire, but may create gas for the air aspect of your constitution.


Most beans cause gas, are drying, and promote constipation. The best bean is mung. Tofu is also acceptable, but may be hard to digest. Adzuki, soy cheese, soy milk, and tepery beans may be taken in moderation.


Raw or lightly roasted nuts are heavy, nourishing, and moistening. They are hard to digest, thus, small amounts should be taken at any one time. Best is almonds (soaked overnight and peeled) and sesame seeds in moderation (grounds air); coconut and sunflower seeds are also good (cools fire).


Best is sesame oil (for air conditions) and ghee (clarified butte). Sunflower is better for fire-related issues; soy and unsalted butter are also good.


Is very good in its organic state and/or from raw sources. It may be hard to digest. Dairy should be taken with spices; milk should be boiled than cooled. Best is lassi (1/2 cup yogurt to 1/2 cup water; and digestive herbs, all mixed and drunk at meal time to aid digestion).

Ghee is also excellent. Other good dairy products include yogurt, kefit, cream, unsalted butter, and cottage cheese. A little cheese is acceptable also, but only ' renetless' cheese qualifies as vegetarian.


It is best not to combine sweets with other foods. Use only natural sugars which aid air types more than any other constitution in tissue and body fluid maintenance. Best is jaggery (gud-Indian), turbinado, maple syrup, or sugar cane. Raw honey (for air conditions) is acceptable.


Best is cardamom, fennel, coriander, cumin, cilantro, turmeric, vanilla, saffron, rosewater, mint. Cinnamon, cloves, mustard seeds pippali will aggravate fire conditions.


Generally it is better to avoid animal products except for strength, when extremely ill. It gives strength, but it is difficult to digest, is toxic and disharmonious on finer levels. Ghee and lassi are excellent substitutes. Next best is poached or boiled egg whites and white poultry because they are easily digested.


Air/Fire constitutions need fluids. Suggestions include boiled milk, teas such as bansha (with milk), catnip, chamomile, elder flower, fennel, hibiscus, jasmine, lavender, lemongrass, licorice, lotus, marshmallow, oat straw, raspberry, rose and saffron. All fruits, vegetables, and herbs listed above are good as juice.


Sitting and prone positions are good , shoulder stands (so long as there ate no heart problems) and back bends are also good. Deep breathing is calming.


can be done everywhere, at any time, lying down, sitting, walking. It can be with a mantra, with a thought, a feeling; looking at nature, thinking about God or Universal Energy, love; virtually anything that doesn't cause strain, anger; or worry that you are not meditating properly. Practice giving up worry, fear, negativity, anxiety, impatience, anger, harsh speech, a critical mind, and lack of faith. Knowledge and devotion are the most important aspects to practice.


Moderate; walking, swimming, trampoline, cross-country or downhill skiing.

Please Remember

Do not force anything! Listen o what your system tells you. One's intuition is , in the final analysis, the best doctor.

Enjoy these suggestions and feel and increasingly healthy and harmonious life.

Aum Shanti, Shanti, Shanti -Peace

1 comment:

  1. Pitta-Dosha is a Ayurvedic Tea helps restore balance to Pitta energy and also it has a soothing and calming effect on the body and mind and it has Great Benefits.
