Fresh products for ayurvedic cooking

Fresh products for ayurvedic cooking

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pitta / Kapha Dosha Diet

Your constitution is predominantly fire and water. An excess of fire and water elements creates cold and heat, and heaviness and dampness in the body, specifically in the chest, lungs, sinuses, stomach and small intestines. When balanced, you are adaptable, and cheerful, goal-oriented and a leader. An excess of fire causes heat-related issues like hot temper, being overly critical and impatient, skin rashes, allergies, eye problems, ulcers, and diarrhea. An excess of water creates bronchitis, overweight, and mental lethargy. The aim of Ayurveda is to create a balance between the elements of air , water and fire. To bring fire and water into balance one needs to:

  • Consume more bitter and stringent energies in the form of food, aromas, herbs.
  • Avoid nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, chilies) because they may cause allergic reactions.
  • Avoid hot foods (e.g. onion, garlic, red peppers), fermented, or fried foods, salt.
  • Don't combine milk with yeasted grains.
  • Eat in a calm to celestial frame of mind.


Coriander, mint, rose petals, saffron, turmeric, triphala, guggul, gokshura, amalaki, manjishtha, arjuna, gotu kola, chamomile, raspberry, shilajit.


(between meals): apples, mango, pears, pomegranate, prunes, raisins.


Asparagus, bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, burdock root, cabbage, fresh corn, cauliflower, celery, green beans, dandelion, collards, lettuce, okra, parsley, peas, green peppers, squash (scaloppini, spaghetti, summer, yellow creekneck), sprouts, watercress

Avoid fermented foods , pickles, onions, garlic, chilies, because they will aggravate Pitta.


Barley is best, basmati rice, cooked oat bran, wheat bran (moderation). Bread without yeast (or toasted) is advised.


The best is mung, which does not cause gas. Adzuki, black, black-eyes, chana dal (garbanzos), lima, navy, pinto, white, and split peas dal are acceptable.


Pumpkin and sunflower in moderation.


Ghee (clarified butter) can be taken in moderation (2 tsp./day). Sunflower in moderation.


Ghee, yogurt lassi (1 part organic yogurt to 3 parts water).


It is better to use very little. Either raw honey or a cane sugar, can be used sparingly.


Generally it is better to avoid animal products except for strength when ill. It gives strength but is inharmonious on finer levels. Ghee and lassi are good substitutes. Acceptable foods include poached or boiled egg white, and white meat of chicken and turkey.


Juice of aloe vera, apple , pear, berry, carob, fig shake, and fruits and vegetables mentioned above. Teas of alfalfa, barley, bansha, burdock, chamomile, hibiscus, jasmine, lavender, lemon, grass, nettle, raspberry, red clover, rose, saffron, sarsaparilla, mint.


Sitting and prone positions are good when Pitta is in excess; standing postures are best when Kapha is aggravated. Shoulder stands (only if there are no heart problems, blood, ear, or eye pressure) and back bends are also good. Deep breathing is calming.


Can be done anywhere, at any time, either lying down, sitting or walking. It can be done with a mantra, with a thought, a feeling, looking at nature, thinking about God or Universal Energy, or love; virtually anything that doesn't cause strain or worry. Practice giving up worry, fear, negativity, anxiety, and lack of faith. Knowledge and devotion are the most important aspects to practice.


Moderate to strong: walking is best.

Please Remember

do not force anything!

Listen to what your system tells you. One's intuition is the best doctor. Please enjoy these suggestions and feel an increasingly healthy and harmonious life.

Aum Shanti, Shanti, Shanti



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Could you claify why it says no nightshades but then suggests bell peppers and green peppers later on? I have read that bell and green peppers are indeed nightshades and are not best consumed due to the compounds that agitate the digestive system and allergies. I do not notice a problem but have heard that if you remove them for 90 days and reintroduce you may notice the symptoms you hadn't noticed before. Could you clarify why these nightshades are allowed for Kapha-Pitta? Just curious. Thanks.

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