Fresh products for ayurvedic cooking

Fresh products for ayurvedic cooking

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kapha Dosha Diet

Your constitution is predominantly water. An excess of water element creates cold, heavy, and dampness in the body; specifically in the chest, lungs, and sinuses. When balanced , you are loyal and calm by nature. An excess of water causes water retention (e.g. edema, overweight), sinus problems, bronchitis. The aim of Ayurveda is to create a balance between the elements of air, water, and fire. To bring water into balance one needs to:
  • Consume more steamed , light, hot, and dry foods.
  • Take herbs to help digest the heavy foods.
  • Eat smaller and fewer meals; eat more herbs. Breakfast may be skipped.
  • Eat pungent, bitter, and stringent foods to reduce excessive water.
  • It is better to cook for others, especially for Vayu (Vata) individuals.
  • Do not use food as an emotional support.



Hot spices: dry ginger, black pepper, cloves, and cinnamon improve the metabolism

Bitters: aloe, turmeric, barberry, and gentian reduce the desire for sugars and fats.


Generally increases water, causing mucus and depressing the digestive fire (agni). It is better to not combine fruits with other foods. Best are lemon, limes, and grapefruits (which dissolve mucus and reduce fat). hey should be eaten without sugar. Other good fruits include cranberries, apples, and dried fruits.


Most are diuretics (naturally drawing water from the system). Steamed vegetables are easiest on the digestive system. The best are chilies, broccoli, cabbage, and celery. Next best are carrots, green beans, fresh peas, beets, asparagus, lettuce, cilantro, watercress, mustard greens, alfalfa, sunflower sprouts, and chard. Third best are bell peppers, cauliflower, parsley, and spinach. Other vegetables increase water.


are nourishing and balancing for Kapha dosha. Whole grains of barley , quinoa, dry or popped grains are best. Second best are corn, millet, rye, and buckwheat. Basmati rice is alright in moderation. Barley is a diuretic that reduces water and weight. Avoid yeasted breads.


Most beans are good, particularly adzuki, followed by soy, lima, and lentils. Other useful beans include tofu, mung, kidney, peanut ( but not roasted) , and split peas. Mung is a pure or sattwic bean and will not encourage gas.


are eaten only in small quantities because they are heavy and hard to digest. Sunflower and pumpkin are acceptable. These are a good meat (protein ) substitute.


in moderation: Mustard, canola, sunflower, safflower. Corn oil is also acceptable.


Buttermilk (lassi: 1/4 cup organic yogurt: 3/4 cup water) with meals; soy milk and goat's milk are acceptable when there are no congestion or digestive disorders.


A little raw honey is acceptable.


Cardamom, ginger (dry), mustard horseradish, turmeric, cloves. Second best are cinnamon, coriander, basil, cilantro, and parsley. Avoid salt because it retains water in the body (if absolutely necessary, black or rock salt may be used because it is the least aggravating).


are best avoided, except if the person is extremely weak. Animal products boost strength, but are inharmonious, toxic, increase water, and do not generate new tissue growth. White, lean poultry is the least aggravating.


Astringent or pungent teas (warm or at room temperature): Alfalfa, raspberry, hibiscus, and dandelion. Boiled, organic goat's milk (without food) with cinnamon and honey. Pineapple, pomegranate, cranberry, grapefruit, lemon, and lime juice are good. Celery and other green vegetable juices are also helpful. Avoid wine, alcohol, ice, or any cold drinks.


Strong workouts and more standing postures, along with headstands (if there is no heart condition). Solar Pranayama and breath of fire (bhastrika) breathing are advised.


Devotion (bhakti) and service (karma) harmonize one's nature. Worship the divine as a particular deity or incarnation you like , e.g. Rama, Krishna, or Christ. Renounce greed, desire, attachment and sentimentality to clear the mind. Chanting is excellent.


Strong and aerobic workouts, sunbathing, warm breezes, discipline, physical hardship. Stay up at night, avoid day naps, increase mental stimulation, travel and pilgrimage. Avid cold and dampness.

Please Remember

Do not force anything! Listen to what your system tells you. One's intuition is the best doctor. Please enjoy these suggestions and feel an increasingly healthy and harmonious life.

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